Fish Food Ultimate Guide The amount of fish food that you choose to provide for your fish is very important because you should not overfeed or underfeed them. Overfeeding will contaminate the tank water making…

Fish Food Ultimate Guide The amount of fish food that you choose to provide for your fish is very important because you should not overfeed or underfeed them. Overfeeding will contaminate the tank water making…
Discus Food Recipes Discus fish thrive greatly on a number of food types. These include beef, veal, turkey heart, fish fillets, shrimp and liver of beef/ turkey. Below are some of the common recipes for…
Best food for Discus Fish Introduction Discus fish can feed on basically anything which can include fish flakes, pellets, and frozen or even live food. The best food for your discus fish would be a…
Feeding Discus Fish – Step by Step Guide A very common question I get from customers is What are you feeding discus fish? How often should I be feeding discus fish? How much should I…