Discus Cloudy Eye – Signs and Treatment Symptom: White film on discus eyes. Cause: Poor Water Quality Is it Contagious to other fish: No Treatment: Perform large water changes for 3-4 consecutive days until white…

Lion fish is a type of fish that belongs to the family of Scorpaenidae and are referred to as “voracious predators” alongside with Pterios miles and P. volitans which are innate to the indo-pacific area.…

Angel Fish – The Facts Angel fish are some of the most beautiful fish that you can include in your aquarium to make it more interesting. The fins are normally very long and flowy making…

African Cichlids – What You Need to Know If you are interested in adding some color to your aquarium then the African cichlids are the best fish to have. These fish are very diverse with…

Fish Food Ultimate Guide The amount of fish food that you choose to provide for your fish is very important because you should not overfeed or underfeed them. Overfeeding will contaminate the tank water making…

Turtle Tank- How to Set One Up I get many questions from customers asking if they can keep turtles with fish. I get this question so often that I decided to write a specific article…

Cichlids – How to set up a tank for them The African cichlids are popularly known for their vibrant colors that add beauty to the aquarium. Cichlids are a variety of freshwater fish that come…

Arowana Fish – Tank Set Up The silver arowana is sometimes called the dragon fish or the monkey fish. This is a type of freshwater fish which originates from south America. It Popularly known for…

10 Gallon Fish Tank – All You Need to Know About It The 10 Gallon Fish Tank is the most common type of aquarium used by fish lovers is the 10-gallon fish tank. Its small…

Fish Bowl – How to Provide the Best Care for it Fish bowls are cheap to maintain and do not occupy much space. This is probably the reason why many pet lovers who have limited…

Fish Tank Decorations- Why they are important! Decorating your fish tank is usually the best way of adding color to your tank. You can choose an exciting theme and then get the necessary items that…

Saltwater Fish Tank Guide Have you always wanted to have a saltwater fish tank and just didn’t know how to get started? Well having your own saltwater tank can be a great source of relaxation…

Fish Tank Stand – All You need to Know If you own an aquarium or a fish tank. A fish tank stand will become furniture and part of the interior design or décor of your…

Gold Fish- The Basics The Gold Fish is the most commonly kept aquarium pet. Its origins can be traced back to East Asia and is a fresh water fish. Most people when thinking of getting…

Sucker Fish – All the Facts The Sucker Fish, also known as Plecostomus; got its name by its tendency to feed by sucking up plants and invertebrates. Its mouth is on the bottom of its…

Parrot Fish Facts The Scientific name for the Parrot Fish is Scaridae and is prevalently found in the shallows of tropical oceans worldwide. The Parrot Fish got its name because of its beak-like structure, which…

Oscar Fish- What You need to know In tropical South America originates a species of fish called the Oscar Fish. The Oscar Fish is from the Cichlid family. It is also known by a variety…

Clown Fish- How to Care for them Finding Nemo is the movie that mainly led people to have their own aquariums at home. This Nemo was an ocellaris clown fish which has become a common…

Guppy Fish – How to Care For Them Guppies are a good type of fish to keep as pets as they come in a range of colors, each giving more life to your aquarium and…

Tetra Fish Care The Tetra are small fish that mainly originate from around the Amazon river. It’s important to keep your fish in a clean environment that keeps them healthy and happy. Below are just…

Koi Fish – Different Types Koi fish are fish that are mainly breed in Japan. They are part of the carp family but due to decades of breeding by the Japanese, they have mainly adopted…

Freshwater Fish – Best fish for Beginners 1. Guppy; This is a great fish for beginners. It is a tropical fish that produces every 30 days. They come in a variety of colors and are…

Betta Fish Care Betta fish has become one of the most popular fishes bred by human beings. They are popular mostly because for one, they are amazing fish to have and two, they come in…

Saltwater Fish for Beginners If you are a beginner reef or saltwater fanatic, this is definitely the article for you. Below I give some of the easiest and popular saltwater fish, to begin within your…

Aquatic Plants – Tips for Beginners • Live aquatic plants in a fish tank make it look more appealing to the eye and also serve as a good environment for your fish. You should, therefore,…

Betta Fish Tank Aquariums make your home look more appealing and more natural when setup correctly. They also give a sense of peace and calmness in any home setting. Betta fish are beautiful fish that…

[amnr src=’https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BJQ50HC/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=discusguy0e-20′] Discus Laid Eggs Now What The most exciting moment for any discus keeper is the day that their discus fish lay eggs. This is an amazing feeling an accomplishment. To know that your…

How to Ship Live Fish How to ship live fish is not as difficult as it may seem as long as you have all the necessary tools needed for the job. There are many…

Discus Fish PH – The Facts Discus fish PH is a very common question I receive from many discus enthusiasts on a daily basis. What is the best ph for discus? Is my ph too…

Benefits of Fish Tanks for Children – The Truth Revealed Having an adorable pet at home is one of the easiest ways to relax after working all day. Also, owning a pet shows that you…

[amnr src=’http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00O8SZTKQ/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=discusguy0e-20′] Health Benefits of Aquariums Have you ever noticed a relaxed or peaceful feeling when you are close to an aquarium? Perhaps the sound from the bubbly aquarium water drives you to a relaxing…

Fish Bullying Being a fish owner is not always an easy process especially when your fish are not always able to act peacefully in your tank. Fish bullying is a phenomenon that can commonly occur…

BREEDING DISCUS FOR PROFIT – THINGS TO CONSIDER Breeding animals – fishes, dogs and so on – can be tough, and so is breeding discus for profit. However, breeding is a passion people love, which…

Planted Aquarium – How to Set One Up It can be a bit confusing to set up a planted aquarium, more so for beginners. If it were a simple gallon tank, then it is fairly…

Comet Goldfish The Comet Goldfish is an elongated, flat-bodied variety of goldfish. It has a wide but short head, and its body tapers smoothly from its back and belly to the base of its caudal…

Seahorse Tanks Introduction There are approximately 36 species of seahorses all belonging to the Sygnathid family (Genus Hippocampus). Pipe fishes and seadragons are also included in the Sygnathid family. Characteristics 1. Unlike most fishes seahorses…

Blue Crawfish BLue crawfish can live in almost any freshwater aquarium and are among the toughest freshwater tank inhabitants available in the market. They are very active and they love exploring and do not spend…

FRESHWATER SNAILS Introduction Freshwater Snails is indeed a site to behold in a fish tank. They are usually added to a fish tank as tank cleaners with the intention that they will be eat algae…

Tropheus Introduction The Tropheus species are originally from Lake Tanganyika, Africa and are widely distributed throughout the lake. They are a moderately deep bodied fish that seems to have a larger head in proportion to…

Salvini Cichlids Introduction The Salvini Cichlids are also referred to as Salvin’s Cichlids, Yellow-Belly Cichlids, or Tricolor Cichlids. They originally live in moderate and fast moving waters of rivers and lagoons. They feed on macro-invertebrates…

Ryukin Goldfish The Ryukin Goldfish is a type of a goldfish that is egg-shaped. It has a short body which is stubby. They grow to a length of about 6 inches (15cm) although lengths of…

BUTTERFLY KOI Introduction This is a brown and grey fish with long fins. It originated from Indonesia where it was found in canals and ditches. Initially, most people found this particular type of fish ugly…

Freshwater Puffer fish Freshwater puffer fish are actually great aquarium fish as they are wonderful specialist fish. Moreso, they are rewarding to keep in an aquarium as pets as long as their you adhere to…

Freshwater Stingrays Introduction Freshwater stingrays originated from the Amazon River system just like most of the other aquarium fish. Even though they are considered to be a docile species, they are known to be the…

Freshwater Sharks Sharks have over time been found by more and more people to be fascinating to look at and learn about. A visit to museum for aquatic animals attest to this. Also, there has…

Wood Aquariums In the past, one wouldn’t imagine an aquarium made of wood. This is basically because of the common knowledge that water destroys wood, but then again, so is steel yet it has been…

How To Transport Live Fish Introduction When it comes to keeping fish in an aquarium, movement from one point to another will eventually turn out to be inevitable. Whether it is moving the fish for…

How to Reseal an Aquarium – Step by Step Guide Did you ever come home one day and find your aquarium leaking? Did you find a great deal on a used aquarium because it leaks?…

Aquarium Buying Guide – What You Need to Know Buying an aquarium is a commitment which should be approached with careful thought and consideration. While aquarium keeping is considered to be an enjoyable hobby by…

Aquarium Maintenance – The Basics Good aquarium maintenance practices will lead to a healthy aquatic environment and thriving fish. Expensive and time-consuming problems can be prevented by spending thirty minutes on maintenance every other week.…

Fish Fungus Fungus consists of fine white threads known as hyphae that pass through organic material. These hyphae form distinctive patches on fish that resemble cotton wool. Pathology The fungi involved include species of Achyla…

Cloudy Aquarium Water The issue of cloudy water can be a baffling phenomenon for many aquarium owners. Unfortunately, there is no single answer as to why your aquarium water is cloudy because there is no…

How to Clean Aquarium Gravel Aquarium gravel forms a critical part of your fish tank. It serves not only as a decoration, but also as a filter. Because of this, it tends to harbor a…

Best Aquarium Water Test Kits Testing aquarium water is a key component of maintaining a healthy environment for fish. Below are a list of aquarium water test kits and some information about them. Best Aquarium…

How to Hatch Brine Shrimp Storing Brine Shrimp Eggs First of all, you need to start with healthy, properly stored eggs. All brine shrimp eggs need to be stored as follows: • in a tightly…

How to move an aquarium You may need to move your fish tank/aquarium in some situations, say when relocating. Moving your aquarium can be a tedious task, but with a little planning, the correct handling,…

Discus Food Recipes Discus fish thrive greatly on a number of food types. These include beef, veal, turkey heart, fish fillets, shrimp and liver of beef/ turkey. Below are some of the common recipes for…

How Many Discus Fish Can I Keep? How many discus you can safely keep together is a very common question I receive from many discus keepers. If you search online you will see many conflicting…

Catching wild discus Introduction Discus fish are found in Southeast Asia and South America around the Amazon. Discus can’t survive in most of the Amazon, where the water often flows too quickly or is not…

Discus Natural Habitat Introduction Discus fish are widely recognized as some of the most colorful freshwater aquarium fish, which makes them incredibly popular among hobbyists. If you hope to keep discus fish successfully in a…

Discus Water Changes Introduction Clean water is a key to discus fish health. A clean tank with a constant exchange of new, fresh water will work wonders for your discus’ health. In this article, we…

Discus Acclimation Methods Introduction Acclimation is critical for discus fish. The water that your new discus fish are packaged in has different temperature and pH parameters than your fish tank. Due to the fact that…

Best food for Discus Fish Introduction Discus fish can feed on basically anything which can include fish flakes, pellets, and frozen or even live food. The best food for your discus fish would be a…

Mixing Domestic and Wild Discus – can it be done? Mixing Domestic and Wild Discus Introduction Mixing Domestic and Wild Discus can be challenging. Discus fish can either be wild or domestic. Normally, these two…

Why Discus fish are expensive Introduction Discus fish are very interesting fish to keep for aquarium keepers and they have gained popularity over time because of their unique beauty as they are very colorful. Despite…

Discus Quarantine Process Discus fish care should be taken seriously. For this reason therefore, there are different scenarios that will require a quarantine period. Discus Quarantine Process – Scenario #1- Purchase of New Discus Fish…

Discus Tank Mates Discus Tank Mates make up an essential part of your discus fish aquarium. Discus fish are naturally not meant to exist alone. Discus fish are the type of fish that are slow…

Aquarium Circulation Pumps Circulation pumps are responsible for circulation of water in the aquarium. Without circulation of water in the aquarium there would be disastrous effects such as lack of sufficient oxygen for the fish…

Best Aquarium Lighting The best aquarium lighting is usually LEDs which will illuminate your fish tank leading to enhancement of the colors of your fish and in the process creating depth, and highlighting your aqua-…

RO Water for Discus Reverse Osmosis While Reverse Osmosis (RO) water is not required to successfully keep discus, for many (not all) discus fish keepers it is an absolute necessity to breed them. Many people…

Discus Fish Origins – All the Facts It goes without saying that discus fish are the incontrovertible kings of the freshwater aquarium. They are commonly referred to as disc fish for short. This eponym can…

Stunted Discus Fish- All the Signs Discus fish can be a challenge to keep. Keeping them in favorable conditions will make them achieve their desired maturity size depending on the type of discus fish. These…

Discus ich – Signs and treatment Discus Ich is a parasitic infection of fresh water fish caused by ciliate. It can be ichthyology which is a branch of zoology devoted to the study of fish.…

Wild Discus Care – The Facts Wild discus fish are a bit harder and demanding to keep compared to the domestic discus fish. However, the basic requirements for both are all the same. These…

Best Aquarium Air Pump for Discus fish – The Complete Guide Water circulation in your Discus fish tank is very important. The main purpose for the water circulation in the fish tank is to enable…

Best Aquarium Heaters for Discus fish – All the Facts Temperature is one of the very critical factors when it comes to keeping Discus fish. This is because the warmer your Discus fish tank is…

Filter for Fish Tanks Filtration is very crucial and its importance cannot be brushed off in any fish tank or aquarium. The fact of the matter is that the higher the level filtration in the…
DISCUS FISH CARE Introduction Discus fish are a very unique kind of fish. Freshwater discus do well under a higher level of care compared to other kinds of aquarium fish. The discus cichlid need…
Planted Aquariums Guide Discus fish can be kept in aquariums with plants or without. An aquarium without plants may be easier to maintain but it lacks aesthetic value among other great benefits that come with…

Discus Fish Tank Basics – The Complete Guide Fish keeping is a rewarding and enjoyable venture. Discus fish belong to unique class of fishes which are the shy breeds. They are adapted to soft acidic…

Discus Fish Facts – Everything You Need to Know Aquariums enhance the look and feel of a home. They provide a vibrant touch to home décor and it can be the center of attraction…

How to Get a Great Deal on a Discus Dish Aquarium- Secrets Revealed I get a lot of emails from customers stating that their discus are getting big and they need to upgrade their discus…

Many customers ask me what they should do with their discus when they are going away on vacation. Being the true discus fish enthusiast that you are you are probably thinking that your discus fish…

Black Peppering on Discus Fish – Causes and Treatment A common question I get from customers is “What causes the black peppering on Discus fish? Is it something I should be worried about or need…

How to buy discus fish online- the Step by Step Guide Buying discus fish online is common nowadays. I have been breeding and raising discuss fish for over 20 years. With the tremendous increase and…

Sexing Discus Fish – All the Tips Revealed Sexing discus fish is not an easy task. There are a lot of different opinions online about sexing discus fish. When discus fish are small under 4…
I would like to offer all Discusguy.com customers and subscribers a free e-book titled: Tropical Fish- A Beginner’s Guide Compliments of Aquatic Community.com The book contains a lot of good information. Enjoy! Tropical_Fish-A_Beginners_Guide Back to…

Feeding Discus Fish – Step by Step Guide A very common question I get from customers is What are you feeding discus fish? How often should I be feeding discus fish? How much should I…

Discus Tank Substrate – All you need to know How much substrate Discus Tank Substrate (gravel or sand) is needed for a discus tank? This is a very common and important question when setting up…