Live Sword Plant Bundle



Live Sword Plant bundle is a must have for all freshwater aquariums.

This bundle comes with 3 Live Potted Sword Plant Species:
1- Potted Kleiner Sword
1- Potted Melon Sword
1- Potted Red Flame Sword

The live potted sword is a warm water plant so it is able to strive in higher temperatures in the 82F degree range and as low as 65F degrees.

This live assortment of live potted swords has a great color combination which will enhance every aquarium. It will also provide ample hiding and resting space for your fish.

To achieve maximum growth these plants require proper lighting of at least 2 watts per gallon or more.

Sword plants propagate most often by side shoots coming off the rhizome.

These plants are shipped 5 to 8 inches in size.

Create a beautiful Natural habitat for your fish. For the best eye-catching display scatter them around the aquarium planted singly.

Perfect for mid-size and large aquariums.

This plant is considered to be a beginner plant. It is very easy to care for and maintain.

FREE Shipping within the USA.

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